Saturday, May 28, 2011

First attempt with shooting smoke (12 images)

After getting my new SB-600 flash and wireless flash trigger a few months ago, I decided to experiment with some cool off-camera flash shots. I watched a few youtube videos and then set up a mini studio in the kitchen (see photo). It was a lot of fun and yielded some nice results for my first time! The camera and flash were both in manual mode. As I continued to shoot, I varied the shutter speed, f/stop and flash power until I started getting the results I wanted. The best results were achieved at 1/200sec and f/13. Basic editing was done in Lightroom 3 and then changed the levels slider in Gimp to get a pure black background.

1. The Setup

2. Before and After










Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New computer!

I just got a new iMac(!!!) and am currently in the struggle of importing all my photos I worked so hard to keep track of on my old machine. I want to jump in headfirst, but can already tell it's going to be a lengthy and planned transition. My hope is that the new computer will help keep me motivated to start doing more with my photography. I have been at it for the past year and will start with a few posts of some of my favorite shots thus far before getting in to more specific and recent projects.

Thanks for stopping by!